
目前显示的是 一月, 2018的博文

Import Policy of Bangladesh

Prelude  1. Short Title, Application, Duration, etc.-  (1) This Order may be called the Import Policy Order, 2012-2015. (2) Unless otherwise specified, this Order shall apply to all imports into Bangladesh. (3) It shall come into force immediately and shall remain in force up to 30th June, 2015: However, it will remain in force after the expiry of the validity until the new Import Policy Order is issued. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Order, any notification, circular or order issued time to time by the government regarding import under Finance Act or any other law which does not conform this import policy, shall have preference over this Order. 2. Definitions.  - In this order, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context--- (1) Entre-port Trade' means such trade in case of which imported goods could be exported to a third country at a price minimum 5% higher without changing quality, quantity or shape and without allowing th